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Housing and Care

The hutches are outdoors and are double storey hutch and run combos. We can provide indoor housing for rabbits and guinea pigs as well as our outdoor ones. Alternatively, we are more than happy for you to bring your own cage.  


All hutches are cleaned thoroughly and disinfected between our guests to ensure your pets are being kept in a healthy and hygienic environment.


Please note – for health and safety purposes we must insist that all rabbits have been vaccinated against Myxomatosis and VHD before they come to stay with us. You will be asked to bring along their vaccination records when they come to stay.


We provide fresh hay, water and greens/veggies. However to avoid any upset tummies we ask you to bring along your own pellets please. You will need to ensure you provide enough pellets for the duration of their stay.


Any long-haired pets that need regular grooming will be brushed during their stay.


Heat pads will be provided in the cold weather to keep your pet warm.


There are singles storey cages available for Guinea Pigs and Rabbits that are used to being lower to the ground to avoid any undue stress.


You will be asked to complete a form to advise us of your pets likes / dislikes so we can make your pets stay with us as enjoyable as we can.


If your pet has any toys or treats they particularly like you are welcome to bring these along to help settle them in. Our aim is to make this a home from home for your pet.



Clean Cages

Our guests will be housed on newspaper, straw, hay and wood shavings/sawdust. If you have a different preferred type of bedding please bring this along and we would be more than happy to use this. Please ensure you bring enough for their stay. Their bedding will be changed regularly.


We appreciate that exercise is important for keeping all pets happy and healthy; we therefore ensure all pets are given plenty of exercise daily. The hutches have a run which is attachable to the front of the cage. We also have space indoors should the weather not be suitable outside. During hot weather your pet will be provided with cool shade.

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